Saturday 29 March 2014

TrafficControl: Background and Purpose

My main motivation of building this application is to learn all aspects of building software. Therefore, I'm building this software myself, instead of having it on collaboration sites such as SourceForge. Maybe, I'll use such sites in the future, but that is a decision that I will make later.

I want to build an application that can simulate an advanced train network, such as the trains in Skåne county, the metro of Stockholm or the train network that existed in the beginning of the twentieth century – what would the traffic look like if we would have kept those old railroad lines instead of removing them?

The rail network in Skåne one hundred years ago.
The rail network in Skåne today.

My ambition is not to be very detailed on switch level for the train networks, that would be too complicated.

Instead, I want to simulate the train network from the commuters perspective. How many person-minutes will be lost waiting for trains, what bottle-necks will there be and can a more advanced traffic control system become adaptible?

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