Saturday 15 March 2014

The Qt part of the blog

Qt is an cross-platform application framework that makes it easy to develop powerful applications with network support, SQL databases, apps (Android / iOS / Blackberry) and much more.

My programming projects StockReader and TrafficControl are based on C++ and Qt, and the cross-platform concept has made it quite easy to migrate between Linux/Ubuntu and Windows8. Of course, the cross-platform ability is an idealised dream, but it wasn't too hard to adapt my programs to the different operating systems.

I myself don't have the experience needed to give a full introduction in Qt. Bryan Cairns has some excellent video lectures on programming with Qt.

I can absolutely recommend Qt. Of course there are many other frameworks tools with their pros and cons. Discussions about the programs / frameworks that are best tend to be dogmatic but I'm open for discussions.

You can find more information at

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