Friday 28 March 2014

Lesotho, ZA/LS: Sani Pass

Up to 3 500 meters above the sea, landlocked and surrounded by South Africa, lies a small and peaceful kingdom named Lesotho.

Lesotho was protected by the UK and got its independence in 1966.

The people call themselves Basotho, one person is called Mosotho and the language is Sesotho.

As only four-wheel driven cars can handle the Sani Pass, we left our bus behind and went up with Land Rover cars.

The ascent from 1600 meters to the entrance of Lesotho took one hour and was very steep at the end. During the winter (may-august) it may snow om the road.
At the Lesotho border station, we saw some Basotho dancers.

Still, we had more than one hour drive to the village where we were to stay over night.

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