Thursday 20 March 2014

Cape Town, ZA: Climbing the Table Mountain

The mountains are dominating the sky line of Cape Town. The most remarkable mountain is the Table mountain (Taffel in Afrikaans), and the name is obvious when you see the mountain - it looks like a table. When there are clouds over the mountain, they form a table cloth, falling over the edge in a very beautiful way.

I and some co-travellers secided to climb the mountain from the lower cable car station to the top (from 350 meters up to 1050 meters at the top) 700 meters to climb!

It was a very exhaustive climb in the sunny and warm weather, and I drank some three liters of water during the two hour climb to the top.

That day, there were no cloth clouds so the view was spectacular, one kilometer up. We saw some dassies and some beautiful black birds with orange feathers at the back.

We waited for the sunset - and it was worth waiting for.

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