Saturday 8 March 2014

TrafficControl: My train project

I have a few software projects on a hobby level as a way to learn software development at a level beyond "Hello, world!".

Traffic Control is a program that will simulate an arbitrary train network. It is being developed in C++ using the Qt framework, which I will describe in more detail later.

Put simply, the train network consists of a number of objects that describe the trains, stations and path segments. They are listed in three different Qlists: one for all trains, one for all stations and one for all path segments. The parts are coordinated by a central object, trafficControl.

Currently, I will just post pictures of the program. When it is more stable, I will post executables. Finally, I need to decide how to share the source code with respect to license and intellectual property issues. That's why I won't use SourceForge - yet.

In future posts, I will describe the challenges I've met with my project. First, I'll have a long trip to South Africa / Mozambique / Zimbabwe / Botswana.

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