Saturday 2 March 2019

TravelTimeCalculator: Implementing Settings

The first step is to add the setting menus for the app by adding the elements to the xml file:
I'm keeping the settings from the example for this moment, since I may need them later to understand how to bind the settings to the app code.
After that, I want to add the current setting below the setting title. This already works for the comparison mode setting (Distance/Duration/Cost), so let's look at that setting.

When selecting a new comparison mode (Cost, Distance or Duration), the new value is sent as an integer.
When changing that setting, onPreferenceChange is trigged with two parameters: "Compare duration, distance or Cost? Duration" and an integer value that corresponds to the new value (1 for Cost, 2 for Distance and 3 for Duration).

The first part of the string corresponds to the title tag of the item and the second tag corresponds to the value of the setting before it is changed. The integer corresponds to the new value.

Defining settings isn't enough - something must happen when changing them. When a setting is changed, the corresponding entry in the settings screen is changed. This is done by binding the values.

When any setting is changed, a method is invoked that saves all the settings to variables inside TravelTimeHandler. Changing parameters directly in another class is a dirty solution, but it will do for now.

The next step is to actually use the parameters.

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