Saturday 23 March 2019

Machine Learning Project

My next project will explore machine learning and neural networks.

I'll play around with some real data for a simple machine learning project, where I want to build a simple neural network to estimate the order of magnitude for four output numbers. The input will be thirteen pairs of float numbers between 0 and 1.

A simple neural network can look like this:
The input are the yellow nodes, the internal layers are the green nodes and the output are the red nodes.

In my case, the input will be an array of 26 elements and the output will be an array of four elements. The size of the input may result in numerous matrix calculations, but it should be OK if I use the built-in algorithms for matrix multiplications.

I don't know what a good neural network looks like in terms of number of internal layers and their respective sizes. If the calculations are not too heavy, I'll just play around.

First, I need to learn the basics of neural networks in Python. I will start by following a basic tutorial and code the same network to get the basic concept.

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