Saturday 31 October 2020

IOT: A New Project

For the coming year, I will focus on IOT - Internet of Things. I have bought a starter kit for Arduino (a microcontroller with some basic electronic stuff like a motor, diodes, buttons, potentiometers and a LCD display). Together with a Raspberry PI computer that I got as a birthday gift, I have something to start exploring. 
My first project on my own - a simple traffic light.

I'll start with learning the basics - I follow the examples in "Arduino Projects Book" and I'll bring up a Raspberry PI to have basic security and connectivity (no mouse, keyboard or monitor connected).

The long term vision is a remotely controlled vehicle that has a web server and that can take pictures and stream video. Maybe I'll also add some sensors to log temperature. 

The initial project plan looks like this;
Green means done and yellow means "work in progress".
Green means done,
Yellow means "work in progress".
Blue means "not started".

The main obstacle from a fully mobile mini-vehicle is to charge the battery without connecting it manually. I'll look into that later on.

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