Saturday 20 July 2019

StockAnalyzer: Fixing Flawed Data (continued)

My work on the program StockAnalyser is currently in a iterative cycle:
  • The program adds records to the database until it crashes because of some flaw in the input data
  • Fix that issue 
  • Repeat
This means that most of the blog posts for now focus on handling new cases of flawed input data. Please bare with me.

Each record is a line of comma separated values. For some records, one value is missing. By looking at the remaining data, I'm able to see what data is missing and replace that manually.

By adding a semicolon before the profit margin (in this case), the program will be able to populate the missing data with a null value.
Fixing hundreds, or thousands of records isn't possible to do by hand, and I'll need to create a script that can re-populate the missing data. I'll develop that script in the next blog post.

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