Saturday 13 July 2019

StockAnalyser: Recovering Missing Data

In this blog post, I'll add code that protects the program when parsing strings to float values and I'll also add code that tries to recover missing information.

First, I'll add try-catch clauses to handle parsing errors from string to floats.

After that, I'll add functions to verify and populate null entries of the key numbers.

For the triplet of P, P/E and E. there are eight possible scenarios:
P = null, P/E = null and E = null - Impossible to recover
P = null, P/E = null and E != null -Impossible to recover
P = null, P/E != null and E = null - Impossible to recover
P = null, P/E != null and E != null - Recover P

P != null, P/E = null and E = null - Impossible to recover
P != null, P/E = null and E = !null - Recover P/E
P != null, P/E != null and E = null - Recover E
P != null, P/E != null and E != null - No need to recover

I'll start to count how many null values I have. If there are two or more null values, I can't recover any data. If there is no null value at all, I don't need to recover any data.

I will add two boolean flags later.
One will indicate if any data in the stock record has been recovered and
 another flag will indicate if the data is so bad that it shouldn't be sent into the database.
The screen shot below illustrates how the earning value is recovered (example from 2018-06-13, AAK, a Swedish company that is producing vegetable oil and fat.)

Similar functions are added for the Price, Price per Capital (P/JEK) and the Capital per share.

Now, only profit margin is missing. Since that is calculated as the profit (P) divided by the total revenue (not recorded), I can't recover that value. I'll simply parse "Null" to the database, if that is missing.

After fixing this, I was able to scan stocks until 2019-02-15. For that date, most of the information is missing.

The fix here is to add a flag that indicates whether the stock record contains sufficient information to be added to the database. 

Side note: The board of AAK decided to perform a 6:1 share split, where one old share generated six new shares. This explains why some data was missing for that date. The next project will detect and handle share splits.

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