Saturday 25 May 2019

StockAnalyzer: Connecting to the Database and Designing It

As I have mentioned before, I will process the data in three steps:
  • A C#-app for Windows that will populate the database (ongoing)
  • A web app that will analyse the database and look for inconsistencies
  • A Python script (or possibly Matlab script) that will perform machine learning on the data set.
In the last blog post, I created the database that I will work with. Now. I'll start populating it.

The first step is to connect to the database. I'll use an example that I found:

The language setting is Swedish.
For non-Swedish speakers, the error message
says that the key attachdbfilename is invalid.
The key attachdbfilename is invalid. The DataDirectory needs to be changed to an actual library. I'll start by fixing the connectionString and using a standard SQL query:

I can now connect to the database and launch a simple query!

The First INSERT and SELECT to the Database
I extended the query to the database. First, I populated the database with some dummy data. After that, I selected all rows in the database and presented them as a message box:
It shouldn't be possible to add more than one record of a particular stock for a particular date. I will add a UNIQUE constraint. I will fix that soon.

Next, I need to plan how to design the application, with different classes and layouts for the user interface.

Side Note:
I added  the project to my GitHub account, using instructions on GitHub.

The updated code is available at

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