Saturday 5 January 2019

2018 in Retrospect

The last year, I had quite some progress on my projects. A normal week, I spend two hours on coding, two hours on learning and two hours on blogging.

TrafficControl (C++/Qt):
  • I added locks for tracks in order to avoid trains to travel in opposite directions on the same track. I also added red and green circles to visualize the lock status of the tracks.
  • Further, I added an icon to the executable 
  • The Python script that parses the KML map to a network in TrafficControl was modified: Now, it ignores hidden tracks and the tracks/stations doesn't need to be in any specific folder.
  • Improving the model for acceleration of trains
  • User Interface Improvements: I added system load and simulated time to the user interface.
    • Adding buttons for the controls 
    • Adding menus and toolbars
    • Adding a Help menu that points to some Help sections on this blog.
  • NetworkDesigner is a new tool that helps the user design a network
StockReader (Was: C, now: Python):
  • I re-implemented the web scraper in Python. Now, it has only 24 lines of code, including a check of the robots.txt policy.
TravelTimeCalculator (Android/Java):
HouseReader (Python)
I've also started another blog that will discuss society-related issues.

In 2019, I'll make TravelTimeCalculator demo-able. After that, I'll continue with TrafficControl, adding passenger handling.

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