Saturday 18 August 2018

Android: My First Steps

The cobblers children has no shoes - and as a telecom engineer, I have no experience in developing Android apps. This year, I will learn how to do that.

In the previous blog post, I learned to bring up the Android Studio IDE. In this blog post, I'll create a simple maps app. Creating a simple maps app requires an API key. When running the app in emulation mode, it initially complained about the Google Play version

The screen shots are from the same app but on different emulated phones. To the left: Pixel 2 XL and to the right: Nexus 5. Both use API 26.

As a learning project, I will create an app that will calculate the shortest travel time to a number of locations around a coordinate. The app will compare walking with biking, driving and using transit.

I'll name the app TravelTimeCalculator.

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