Tuesday 5 September 2017

TrafficControl: Testing Google Test

Now when I got QtTest working, I want to investigate how to use Google Test.

Google Test can be used with Qt Creator, and I need to find out how to use that for two reasons:

  1. Google Test might be more powerful with respect to functions,
  2. Google Test is more well-known than Qt Test and I will probably use it in future projects.

It's pretty simple to create a stand-alone Google Test application:

  1. First, I cloned cloning the GoogleTest repo using "git clone https://github.com/google/googletest.git", 
  2. After that, I created a Google Test project according to the Qt documentation.
  3. After compiling, the test is verifying and asserting the value of 0 and 1.

In the next blog post, I'll look into the files of the project and try to add test cases, and also to include Google test into TrafficControl.

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