Monday 25 September 2017

TrafficControl: Integrating Google Test Into TrafficControl

After some struggle, I was finally successful with integrating Google Test into TrafficControl.

The steps are similar to the QtTest Integration blog post and the previous blog post:

I add two files to the "test" folder:
  • mainTest.cpp that is calling the test code and
  •  tst_tcUnitTests.h, where I have the test code.
In the pro file, I replace the QtTest directives with Google Test directives:

The mainTest.cpp is identical to the one in the Google Test example. The results can be seen below.

With Google Test, it is easy to sort test cases into different categories. That will be necessary as the number of test cases grow.

In the near future, I'll port the existing QtTest test cases to Google Test and implement the other test cases. I'll keep the existing QtTest files for now, even if I won't use them.

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