Saturday 17 December 2022

TrafficControl: Migrating Back to QtTest

After seeing new strange issues with all test cases, (compilation issues, I guess that it was a mismatch in compilation for the test files), I've decided to try moving back to QtTest for my project. 

I had some issues with Qt's Meta Object Compiler, but after a while I got that working (the name of the moc file must match the source file).

It took me several hours to refine the test cases, and I saw that I could merge several test cases to one. For example, some test cases check parameters after initialization, and there is no reason to have several test cases for that. I was also able to simplify the syntax and use the command parser.

The next step will be to use Doxygen for my code. I need to get a better overview of the structure, and I think Doxygen will be the best tool for it. 

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