Saturday 2 January 2021

2020 in Retrospect

2020 was a dramatic year for me and that had some impact on my pet projects. 

The first wave of the pandemic came when I and my family moved to our current home in Åkarp. Luckily, that didn't affect the relocation and the contractors we used for fixing things in the house.

We got our second son when the second wave was escalating in December. 

The pet projects still had some progress:

StockPredictor (C#, Python, SQL and Machine Learning): I created a Python script that connected to the SQL database and analyzed the data, for example identifying stock splits. I also made some improvements to the web scraper. After several months of work with the data, I was able to apply some machine learning algorithms to the data. As expected, the MLPRegressor wasn't able to predict future stock values - it seems that the market is quite efficient.

IOT (Arduino, Raspberry PI): I explored Arduino and followed some simple experiments to learn the basic concepts. After that, I created a simple set of traffic lights with an emergency button and a LCD display. For Raspberry PI, I brought up the system.

In 2021, I'll mainly focus on the house, work and family.  I still think I can have some progress on my pet project in IOT.

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