Saturday 5 December 2020

IOT: Setting Up a Web Camera for a Headless Raspberry PI

In my IOT project, I need to take pictures with a headless Raspberry PI. 

The camera that I use today is an  USB 8$ web camera with a picture resolution of 640x480. It is a temporary solution - the official camera module v2 supports a resolution of 3280x2464 pixels and weighs only 3g.

In this project, I followed the documentation.

After connecting it to a USB port, I installed the fswebcam package:

Using the camera from command line is easy. If the resolution flag isn't specified, the RPI will use a lower resolution: 

The resulting picture has a time stamp in the lower part.

Sometimes, I need to get the pictures to my Windows 10 computer. Since I'm familiar with the scp command, I needed to install it in Microsoft PowerShell:

So far, it is quite straight forward to use Raspberry PI. The earlier models were launched eight years ago, so many of the early bugs and features has been solved over the last years. My board, Raspberry PI 3 B+ was launched three years ago.

The next step will be to setup a web server with a Wordpress web page on the Raspberry PI. I will use that for posting pictures from the web camera. Or maybe I'll just use a Python script for posting the picture on a dedicated blog.

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