Saturday 21 March 2020

Discontinous Transmission

I will temporarily reduce the frequency of posts on this blog. The reasons are both on macro and micro scale.

We're in the middle of a move to a house in Åkarp. This project takes quite some time. Once we have moved, we need to learn about the house, explore the surroundings and get involved in the local community.

On a larger scale, escalating numbers of Covid-19 cases will have some impact for me:

  • The Disease - Probably low risk for me and my family, since we are not in the vulnerable demographic groups. But we have relatives that are.
  • Disruptions -  Several countries has introduced travel bans and quarantines for large populations. 
  • My work place has encouraged me and my colleagues to work from home. Schools and kindergartens are still open but this may is likely to change. 
  • Increased demand for some supplies has temporarily emptied shelves.
  • Financial Markets - the stock market and oil price has collapsed. 

I need to focus on all this for a (hopefully) short period of time. I'll post again when we've moved and things has calmed down a little.

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