Saturday 8 June 2019

StockAnalyzer: Adding Code

Now, it is time to add some code to the program.

The database is controlled from dbParser.
I added some code for printing the contents of the database to the console and also code for clearing all data from the database.
Code for printing contents of database to console.
Code for deleting all records of the database.
The first step is to delete all records from the StockTable.
The second step is to set the identity counter to zero.
Scanning for Files
I have saved my input data in a local folder on my computer. Thus, it is convenient for me to have that folder as the default folder. However, I want to avoid assuming that that folder exists - someone might fork my repo and install it on another system.

To handle this, the program will check whether my folder exists. If it doesn't, it will use the user's document folder instead.
I'll clean up this form soon.
When the user presses the "Scan to Database" button, the program will scan for the files in the class scanFolder. First, I need a list of all files in the current folder. Once I have that file list, I will iterate over it and scan only the files that are in the time interval.
In the next blog post, I'll make the program select which files to analyze and also start to add records to the database.

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