Saturday 13 April 2019

Machine Learning: Tweaking the Hidden Layer

In the last blog post, I used a neural network with a hidden layer to try to predict a binary outcome based ion some input data. Now, I'll investigate how different sizes of the hidden layer will affect the output of the network.

Keep in mind that:
  • I'm learning about neural networks - this blog describes my learning curve and not recommended ways of handling neural networks.
  • Different shapes and depths of neural networks work for different problems, there is no "Golden" neural network.
  • The data I'm using for this example is probably random in the sense that there is likely no obvious connection between input and output.
10 Neurons in Hidden Layer:
(the setting from the last blog post): The neural network was well fitted for the training set, but worse than guessing for the test set.

1 Neuron in Hidden layer:
This is practically a single-layer neural network.  For the training set, the predictions are accurate for the "ones", but the predictions are 0.5 for the other values. This means that the neural network fails to predict "zero" at all. The prediction "0.5" can be seen as an attempt by the neural network to predict zero.
2 Neurons in Hidden Layer:
The predictions on the training set is better, but two predictions are still at 0.5 (samples 9 and 23). For the test set, the network is confident but wrong in six cases out of eight.

4 Neurons in Hidden Layer:
Now, the neural network fits to the training set (no errors). This has a similar confusion matrix as the neural network above, with 2 neurons in the hidden layer.

8+ Neurons in Hidden Layer:
The network is very confident all the times, but the test predictions are bad. This indicates that the neural network is well fitted to the training data (and that the sigmoid function is narrow enough to make the estimates ones or zeros). Adding more nodes makes the estimates more confident, but not more correct.
Matrix Calculations:
I've made a summary of the matrix calculations below:

Some Findings:
A neural network should have a general understanding of the input, and it should ideally be less confident.

This exercise illustrates one of the dangers with neural networks: it can generate very nice predictions that have low uncertainties, but fail to predict new data. It can give us an illusion of seeing patterns that doesn't exist. 

There is a risk that a sum-optimal neural network will tell us what we want to hear. This makes it very important to look at the results with an open and still critical mind set. 

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