Saturday 13 October 2018

TravelTimeCalculator: Adding Project to Github

After being able to add a numb button to the user interface, I've decided to add the project to my Github account:

Since I'm in a learning curve in Android design, the quality of the code and design of this app will be quite low. If you're looking for some advice from Android gurus, refer to the documentation or any of the thousands more skilled developers.

The app sets up a Google maps view with a button on top of that. (TODO: Move the button to the lower right of the view so that the user can press the button with the hand that holds the device)

When opening the app, the app fetches the last known location (TODO: Fetch also the current location, in case the phone has no last known location) and prints it to logcat. It also proposes eight other coordinates that surround the device.

If the user taps the button, there is code that reacts to that. Currently, it just prints a logcat message, but I'll make the app print the center coordinates of the map view and the zoom factor to logcat.

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