Saturday 22 September 2018

TravelTimeCalculator: Steps

I see the following steps for developing the app:
  1. Add project to GIT
  2. Display the current location on a map and print the coordinates of the device once the app starts. Done
  3. Add one button to the app so that the user can print the coordinates for the center of the map instead of the user's location.
  4. Query one direction using Google Directions API and extract the travel time from the JSON string.
  5. Query 8 points around the center for travel time for different means of transportation
  6. Learn how to add icons on the map showing the preferred option
  7. Use a database to re-use old query results
  8. Customize the search to consider travel costs and environment.
I will need to find a way to conceal my API key when pushing to GitHub.

The steps are updated at

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