Saturday 28 April 2018

TrafficControl: Understanding Qt Sizepolicy and a Floating Map

Making Qt set the size of the dockWidgets has been a challenge for me. I truly need to understand the sizing policies to make the dockwidgets behave as I want.

The map dock widget should have a small minimum size and it should expand as much as possible when there is room. Achieving this when docked is difficult, will add complexity to my program and it will be of limited benefit for the end user. It seems that it is hard to resize dockWidgets in main window.

According to some blog posts, it is possible to re-implement sizeHint to control its behaviour. See also this blog post.

In this case, I'll simply make mapDockWidget floating so that the user can resize it later. The user can also dock the widget to the main window if required.

I've seen that the zoom and pan of the map is reset once the map is resized. I need to investigate that.

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