Saturday 6 January 2018

TrafficControl: Locking Tracks for Trains - Tests and Visualization

After adding locks for tracks, I need to both visualize them and test them.

The tests are quite straight-forward, but they require some code.
  • The first test case, trainListAddRmUpstream verifies that is it possible to add two trains in upstream on the same track, with a distance of more than 3000 m between the trains. It also verifies that the first train is removed first.
  • The second tedst case, trainListAddDownstream verifies that a train that wants to enter a used track, where a train is moving in the opposite direction, will wait until the first train has left the track.
For the visualization, I'll change both model/view and the QML part.

A new column will be added for each track: Lock. The different states will be: Free, Start, End and Locked.

When something is changed for a track, the method Track::emitChangedSignal(trackID) is called. That method compiles a QStringList that contains the messages that shall be sent to the datamodel. The lock status is added as a string to the string list that is sent to the track data model. Also, a column is added for the data model.

Three tracks are locked. For example, dHja_Lun_E is locked at the end station (LundC). This means that trains can enter at Hjarup but not at LundC.
The next blog post will describe how I added the locks in the map.

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