Saturday 18 November 2017

Trains: High Speed Trains... in Sweden???

No one who is reading my blog can question my passion for trains. A part of me would be very enthusiastic about entering a Thalys-like train at Malmö Central, reaching Stockholm two and a half hours later. Another part of me is looking at the numbers.

In two previous blog posts, I've seen that the population is much smaller for Sweden, compared with the lines in France, Germany, Spain and Japan.

Trafikverket (The Swedish Transport Administration) has made an economical assessment of the proposed high speed rail lines. That report saw significant advantages with high speed trains:
  • Increased capacity in the entire rail system, including existing lines.
  • Cargo trains won't slow down passenger trains.
  • Great reductions in travel time (36-64% reduction between Swedish towns along the line)
The value of the benefits were estimated to 150 billion SEK. However, the costs were estimated to be some 409 billion SEK. The return of investment would be 40%, a very poor prospect.

As the rail system in Sweden is already mature, the benefits of such a big project will smaller than the costs and the conclusion from the report is that high speed rail in Sweden will be too expensive.

I agree with that report. Such a project would starve out other investments that are necessary. The money should be used to build on the existing rail network, resolve bottle-necks and maintain the lines properly. High speed rail will starve out other, more efficient improvements.

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