Friday 11 August 2017

TrafficControl: Protecting the Code

After reaching the milestone in the second last blog post, I've done some refactoring of the code to make it cleaner and simpler to maintain:
  • Reviewing parameter names
  • Adding Doxygen comments
  • Replacing STL vectors with QLists
  • Calling the QML JavaScript functions directly
The next step will be to introduce automated tests. This is crucial to protect trafficControl from new and existing bugs.

Initially, I'll learn how to use the test framework in Qt Test. After that, I'll focus on some areas:
  • How to reset the traffic network between different tests
  • Module testing - to verify the modules/functions
  • Input files - how to detect problems in the network definition files
  • Useability/User Interfaces
  • Test-Driven Development - Mainly for different traffic scenarios
  • Performance Testing/Optimization 
  • Memory leak tests

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