Monday 17 July 2017

TrafficControl: Adding Trains to the QML Map - Background

The trains will be visualized as a rectangle QML type or possibly a QML polyline with two coordinates.

The color should reflect the type of train that is used. Initially, I'll use the color used in the most common trains in Skåne:

  • Pågatågen are using X61 trains that are 74.3 m long and 3.26 m wide, with a top speed of 160 km/h and the engines have a power of 2000 kW. It has a seat capacity of 234 passengers and a weight of 155 tonnes. CC by SA 3.0
  • Öresundståg are using X31 trains that are 78,9 m long and 2.97 m wide, with a top speed of 180 km/h and the engines has a power of 2300 kW. The seat capacity is 229 and the weight is 156 metric tonnes. The color will be gray. CC by SA 3.0  

It is possible to import a QtQuickItem to a map:

A MapCircle will be used for visualising the train. The initial proposal for visualising the train will be:
  • border.width : ceiling(Number of passengers / 100)  
  • border.color : Delay status (Green/Yellow/Red)
  • center : Location of the train
  • color : Color of the train
  • opacity : 1
  • radius : Indicator of train length. Radius = length / 2

It should be possible to animate that item. Check

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