Saturday 24 June 2017

TrafficControl: Graphical Representation of a Station

Now when I know that I can mofidy the look of a station QML item from trafficControl/tcStation, I need to decide what info to visualize and how.

Some of the information I want to visualise for the stations are:
  • Number of waiting passengers
  • Number of people in the surrounding area
  • A metric for the delay
  • Status of occupied platforms on station: All platforms available/Some of the platforms are available/No Platforms available
The station is represented by a MapCircle QML type, which has the following members:
  • border.color
  • border.width
  • center - given by the station's coordinates
  • color 
  • radius
  • opacity - it should be possible to see through the item.

In this example, the border color is black and the width is is 30 pixels. 

The MapCircle can also be hidden by setting the property visible=false.

For future studies:
  • If neccessary, one can also add internal QML items inside the mapItem.
  • Maybe I can have some more detailed information to show on the station, either by
    • clicking/toggling the QML item, or 
    • presenting information related to the QML item that is currently highlited.

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