Wednesday 1 October 2014

|| AND &&: Why it is a good idea to quibble

I had to recover my Windows 8 installation one week ago, and in that process, I re-installed Qt. This time, I also included the Microsoft Visual Studio Express compiling option for Qt.

After doing that, I tried to rebuild my programs TrafficControl and StockReader. I got houndreds of strange compiler errors that I didn't expect since the programs compiled without warnings before.

The issue was that I used the keywords "and" and "or" in several if clauses. Those keywords are allowed by gcc/g++ (GNU Compiler Collection), but not by Microsoft Visual Studio 2013:

My personal preference would have been to use AND and OR for logical keywords - that would have kept my source code as similar to human language as possible. But I also want my source code to be portable between different operating systems and compilers. So from now on, I'll continue with using the ||, && and != operators instead of OR, AND and NOT.

I still have some problems making static builds for  my programs. More about that in future blog posts.

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