Saturday 10 May 2014

Southern Africa: Monkey Business

Wild animals are hard to spot, as they generally leave the area as soon as they hear humans. This is not the case of wild animals that got used to humans.

At Cape Point, a baboon saw a tourist bus stopping and people leaving the bus. After one minute or two, that baboon approached the bus and tried to open the handles, as you can see in the picture. "Whatever humans can do, baboons can do it better."

The operation was successful and very funny. It was not quite as funny (or yes, later we laughed at it) when another baboon raided our bus with some people inside it. The people inside left the bus quickly and the baboon stole some food and left some "remainings" on the seats.

I've compiled a video of some baboons behaving as monkeys. My first Youtube video ever. I got the audio track from, that is providing free music for Youtube videos

In a earlier trip in the Philippines, we saw some aggressive monkeys too (Puerto Princesa):

1 comment:

  1. Clever fellows, as long as the tourist are flowing in the monkey won't be hungry. Awesome video too.
