Wednesday, 22 May 2024

RPI: Setting up Raspberry Pi 3B+ to be accessible from anywhere

I have a simple trading bot that I currently run from a WSL Ubuntu session in my home computer. In this post, I'll set up a headless Raspberry Pi that can host that session. I still want to be able to control it from my mobile, so I need to do the following:

Set up RPI headless, Install and Disable screen saver

After installation, the board became unresponsive after some 10 minutes. I found

Now, the RPI works fine for at least a couple of days.

Install app for accessing RPI from mobile

I found RaspController that is available for both Android and Iphone that gives a good interface to the RPI. 

Set up Dynamic DNS using NoIP

I activated a Dynamic DNS session using NoIP with both a host name and ipv4 IP.

As my router was too old, I decided to configure my RPI instead using the instructions below

Make NoIP start automatically when booting

Configure Python and setup venv

There is plenty of documentation online

Nohup to run detached
Finally, since I need the program to run in the background, I used the nohup command to start the script,