Friday, 26 December 2014

Continuing the Blog

The blog posts have been very scarce lately. There are some reasons for that:

One of the purposes with the blog is to follow my programming projects. They are still active but I am focusing a lot on software development in my new position, still in the telecom industry. I haven't been too active in these projects lately, maybe because I learn a lot in programming at work.

I'm investigating what platform to use for the future of my TrafficControl project. So far, I've been using C++/Qt but JavaScript in combination with OpenLayers seem to provide some advantages.

  • Easier deployment (hosting the application on a web site, or perhaps on the blog) will require no installation/tech support.
  • It will allow me to gain experience in Java Script programming, a good complement to the C++ coding that I've done so far.
I've spent some time to find active and closed railroads in Skåne and add them to Google Earth KML files. I'll post some of them on the blog later, together with their history.

Light blue tracks are not in use or removed. Coloured tracks are in use.

The blog is still active and I'll try to be more frequent on the updates (roughly one update per week).